Friday, March 17, 2017


Let no pressure push you to bigger problems.
Most times when i gist with some ladies,I end up being disappointed by their opinions and views about certain situations.A lady once told me 'that idiot ' eats all my food whenever he comes to my residence and he has never talked about marriage.I laughed because i saw no linking point between food and marriage.

When you belittle yourself he takes you for granted.Listen up and wake up from your slumber! He keeps demanding for sex and he tells you am not thinking of marriage.You are doomed! You know why? He doesn't even look at you as a wife material.When next he pulls down his trouser shaking like a fowl that caught cold,whisper to him and smile.Enough of that! No marriage no sex. 

You've been dating him for years and he has never for once introduced you to his friend let alone his family.You are simply on your own.
If all he does is to ask for your salary every month so that u can both share it,i think you are in for trouble.

DESPERATION could make you end up in worst situations.It could really be tough when things dont turn
 out the way you want it.But believe me ,marriage is no big joke.
If that young man really  loves you as he claimed,he will help you stick to the rules.Break no rules and still love you passionately.


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