Friday, October 28, 2016 0 comments

LADIES....let's have a gist

Shout out to those beautiful ladies out there who still maintain their integrity in fashion. Sometimes one would be so frustrated to ask questions like this madness or fashion? when you see ladies go naked on streets all in the name of fashion. Am glad to announce to you that even the so called guyz they tend to impress are finding it so irritating and annoying to see ladies half naked on the street all in the name of fashion. When you see a young girl of age 1-5 walking nakedly on the street ,its mostly referred to a child's play.One will feel more bothered and of course pitiful to see a matured lady walking nakedly on the street especially when she seems to be in her right sense. Ladies love to look probs! Do you know that even when you dress beautiful you can still be properly dressed in your own style? Stop exposing that front and back stuff! In case you don't know, there are still millions of ladies out there who are more beautiful than you and still dresses decently. WE CELEBRATE THESE YOUNG LADIES WHO ROCK IT DECENTLY! DRESS DECENTLY! U ARE WORTH MORE THAN GOLD!!!


Several people live on with addiction to one thing or the other.
Some are addicted to drugs,sex,masturbation and alcohol and the likes. They keep fighting it  but gets more addicted to it each day. My addiction started several years back.It was a sudden feeling that took a whole of me.So many times i asked myself if i was really gonna get over it. I couldn't tell anyone who the real me was.
While growing up,I learnt more about my addiction.I was not the only one with such an addiction.
I met people who had been more entangled than I was.I discovered they had no shame for it.They lived with the addiction just like a normal person.I tried so many times to come out of my addiction.I did it all alone but just couldn't come out of it.Instead i got more deeper in it.Sometimes when am all alone i just break down in tears,when i realized how far I had gone. Recently i discovered i had lived a normal life despite my addiction. Am never ashamed to say this,because this is me with my addiction and am never gonna come out of it.
Do you know what my addiction had been? MY LOVE FOR JESUS!!! Got addicted to him and want to live my life with this addiction. So many people had asked me why i took this Jesus 'thing' seriously and this is my answer 'He took me more seriously by going down the cross to bear my pains' definitely he deserves all. #Jesus#My Addiction#This is me#Addicted to Jesus#   
Tuesday, October 11, 2016 0 comments

HE ALMOST GAVE UP....(but he never did)

There are certain times in our lives when giving up and losing hope could be a better option.But when you really wanna give up ask yourself why you held on for so long.This is a true life story of a dear friend who had seen through the dark times and came out strong into the limelight.He is a young man with a promising future and a lovely family.He was preparing for his final year exams in one of the higher institution in Nigeria.Few months to his exam the tide of life suddenly changed,his girlfriend broke his heart by cheating on him with his best friend. He never knew his girlfriend and best friend were already backstabbing him,he was so devastated because he trusted them and he dearly loved the girl friend.While he was trying to hide his hurts he got a call from home that his father just gave up the ghost.He had so many questions to ask God but he wondered if he would really get an answer.Why would God take away his dad at a delicate moment of his life ,all these he kept on asking himself.He was mourning his dad and still feeling the heartbreak.Unknown to him that the worst was yet to happen.Few weeks later his mom died and this young man felt as if his whole life was crumbling.He cried out his heart as if the tears would bring back his parents.He wondered why such should be happening to him just few weeks to his final year examination.He was more bothered with how to survive with three matured siblings.The storm shook his faith but he stood back firm and strong.He was able to write his final year exams despite the hurts,pains,and loneliness in his heart.He came out with good grades beyond everyone's imagination.After his one year service NYSC, he came to the reality of life.All the promises of friends and families were just in vain.With so much struggles,he hoped for a miracle.He had a particular job he was praying to get.But,the good news was not forthcoming.His greatest surprise was seeing his colleagues getting the same job he had applied for.All he could do was to congratulate them.At a time in his life he felt frustrated,all hopes were dashed.An orphan with three siblings and yet the job was not forthcoming.Years rolled by and it was as if God never answers prayers.He was becoming weary and losing hope.Just when he was about giving up on the job,the long awaited good news came on a platter of gold.He never expected to get the job in a recession period.
He almost gave up but he never did!Are you at the peak of giving up? Think of how long you've held on,you really can't give up when your good news is around the corner.