Tuesday, May 15, 2018 0 comments


This is a lifetime experience especially for those who are engaged in Public Speaking, Mass Communication, Marketing, Clergy, Masters of Ceremony, Human Resource Managers, Consultants, Public Relations officers, Businessmen/women and other professionals that engage the people often and want to hone their skill to become a professional. 

At the academy we will be holding several intensive classes for two days featuring a deep-dive on speaking business, marketing and eloquence topics to help professional speakers grow their business and perfect their speaking craft.

 Such classes include: 

Leverage Class: Creating Multiple Streams of Income, 
Stagecraft Secrets Class: Presentation Power to Ignite Any Audience,
Humorous Class: How To Be Funnier (Even If You're Not That Funny Now), 
Platform Profits Class: How to Sell Before, During & After Your Speech,
Media Class: The Deep-Dive class on Broadcast, Print & Social Media
Spontaneous Practicum: Time to show case yourself. 

This academy is the place to be to become more skillful in your craft, network with other professionals and learn under experienced professionals in a conducive and relax environment

Venue:  Seminar Room, Center for Entrepreneurial and Development Studies (CEDS), Covenant University, Canaan land, Ota, Ogun State
Date:  Friday May 25th , 2018
  Saturday 26th , 2018

Time:   Friday 8:00am (i keep to time)
    Saturday 10:30am (i keep to time)

Admission Fee: N5,000  (10% discount on payment before the day)

For Registration and Payment: http:/bit.ly/nscacademy2
For further information: http:/bit.ly/speakersacademy2
Thursday, March 8, 2018 2 comments

Solidarity walk for a better Nigeria

The youths are set for a new Nigeria. A revolution that will give Nigeria a better identity. It was to great amazement as the youths of Ota, ogun state took a walk of solidarity for a better Nigeria yesterday March 8th,2018.
The walk which started by 9am with over 300 youths in attendance was led by Oke Abayomi.
A lot of Nigerians went on and on with side talks saying
"they must have collected money before doing this"
"one rich politician is their sponsor"
These were some of the statements made by those who did not believe that some youths in their hundreds could volunteer to stage a Voters Sensitization Exercise. This is indeed a break from the norm.
It was with great excitement to see over 300 youths walked around the city of Ota,ogun state with an unusual enthusiasm, joy and commitment to seeing a new Nigeria emerge.
One of the walk participant said 'we walked not because we were given 4 cups of rice that will stop us from rising,neither was it done because we received brown envelope that will envelope our future.We have never believed in a new Nigeria as much as we do now and that's why we are playing our own role.

The walk which was led Oke Abayomi popularly known as Asiwaju.
Oke Abayomi is a young man driven by passion to make impact in his generations by empowering the dreams of young people.Indeed he has been a big blessing to the environs of ota and ogun state at large.

The youths are ready for the big change,get your PVC ready,your vote is your voice and it's time to be heard.


You are such a priceless gift
The sparkling beauty in your eyes reveals the inner treasures
And when you  smile the world smiles
The natural swing of your body can cause an explosion in a man's heart
Beautiful woman
You are amazing
Your thinking faculty is always active
Your strength might not be seen but you are not a weakling
You are stronger than you know
Every home and
Every heart needs a woman
You are the beauty that spice up the world
Happy Women's Day
From Nimi's Diary
Wednesday, February 21, 2018 0 comments



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Thursday, February 15, 2018 0 comments

Inspirational: Destiny my foot


"Life is truly a gift, you don't know what is in store each morning, accept whatever you get, because that is written in your destiny." is what I got from 577 that Glo will not stop  bombing me with.

And then it hit me how much we have limited ourselves in the belief that we are never in charge. That every rush, knick, groan, snap and ripple have been pre-penned in an extreme exploratory detail, like God the puppeteer and man the puppet without clause. DESTINY?, they say, YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. And annoyingly, it's often used in acceptance of defeat, submission to the undesired and relegation to a questionable standard. "THAT'S DESTINY" a statement of the weak.

Don't get me wrong, I believe in Divinity and everything that accompanies it.

Please here me out.

The earth as we know it is presently 7.6 billion populated, has existed for nothing less than 10,000 years and has always been inhabited by man with an average life span of 70 years (do the math). Our planet is one of the smallest in our solar system belonging to our galaxy/universe called the Milky way which is confirmed to have at least 100billion planets. Please don't forget that our galaxy is just one of the many others (Think of it).

Life is only here as we know it. How much more is out there? what other form of being might be out there? Is it quackery of me to inquire? And how much of details do the Alpha and Omega preview, view and review at every nick? He can do them all without any ish we say, right! But do not forget that he had to rest at a point.

I see God not as a writer but as a fabricating programmer. He manufactured the Hardware (the Lands, waters, mountains and other lifes), created and installed the Software (Time, Gravitational force, Magnetic force, Love, Greed, intelligence, creativity etc), imbibed man as the principal element and bounds certain principle to control and balance our existence. Which the most fundamental I believe is some worth like Newton's Laws of Motion, Law of diminishing returns and the Law of use and disuse. I don't mean them as physics, Economics or biology but as life as it is.

If u do not ignite your force, you are going no where, you can only move in the direction with which you propel  yourself and how much you will ultimately get is determine by how much you put. Keep doing that something in the same way at all times and you are doomed to collapse. You will be successful in the things that your interest is stock, learn persistently and do vehemently but you will be nothing in the things that you ignore.

I'm Adelabu Sodeeq
Youth developer, Patriotism advocate, Idea analyst, Brand Consultant, Tour educator and Graphics and Prints expert
Friday, January 12, 2018 0 comments


Relationship Cafe

 is a programme that gathers young minds from all spheres of life to

understand their true value,

uphold dignity and moral standards at its peak.

Relationship cafe unveils the pitfalls of relationship that affects us

psychologically,physically and emotionally

which can devastate one's existence.

Love is beautiful only when we understand what makes it beautiful.

Join the first edition of RELATIONSHIP CAFE (Ladies corner)

as we make a transparent conversation about things that concerns the heart.

To join the conversation on WhatsApp send REGRC to 08130679278

Guest speaker: Dr Babatunde Ogunshina

Host: Nimigold
(Director, NIMI's DIARY)

Date: Saturday Jan 27th,2018

Time: 12pm

Venue: WhatsApp 

For participation: Free recharge cards & Free consultation

For further details,Call: 08130679278

Wednesday, January 3, 2018 0 comments


Are you a public speaker or
 would you love to be one?
 Then make yourself available to attend
the first of its kind SPEAKERS ACADEMY. 
Take your speaking profession to
 another peak of success
where you will be recognized.
 Be a part of this ever first SPEAKERS ACADEMY
 and you will never regret you did.
Registration Fee: N2500
Date: 5th & 6th Jan 2018
 Opposite Shoprite, Toll Gate Road,
Sango Ota, Ogun State
Time: 10am
Enquiries: 08137377034
